Independent Living Community (ILU)
We were informed Saturday evening that one of our ILU Housekeeping department employees tested positive for COVID-19. We immediately completed the contact tracing. All residents and staff who were exposed to this employee were notified on Sunday and are quarantined or being monitored.
Unfortunately, this included several of our housekeeping employees. Due to staffing shortages and as an extra precaution, we have canceled housekeeping in all Apartments and Cottages for 14 days. Housekeeping will resume on February 15, 2021. Common areas and restrooms are being cleaned and sanitized on an ongoing basis.
An updated Protocol was distributed Thursday, January 28, 2021. We still plan to begin the updated protocols as noted on February 8, 2021. If our COVID-19 status changes, we will have to evaluate and make changes as necessary. Please continue to monitor our website for all updates and stay tuned to BWTV. Your Resident Apps are also a great source of new information.
All approved medically necessary visitors and caregivers are still required to provide us with a negative COVID-19 test result once a week before they are allowed to come to the ILU community. This requirement will continue at least through March 11, 2021 as recommended by the Virginia Health Department.
We look forward to the next vaccination clinic on February 4 and 5, 2021. Activities will be calling tomorrow to inform residents of their vaccine appointment day and time. February 25, 2021 will be our third clinic through the CVS vaccination program.
Currently, since January 26, 2021, we have seven (7) residents in our Assisted Living who tested positive for COVID-19. They all had received their first vaccine on January 14, 2021, and they are experiencing less severe symptoms. We have one employee in the Assisted Living who tested positive and is isolating at home.
The COVID-19 pandemic is still very real. Please continue to wear your mask, social distance 6 feet apart and wash your hands regularly. We are happy to report the positivity rate for Chesterfield County as stated on the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) website has decreased to 16.3%. We will continue, as mandated, to test all Health Care Community employees twice a week until the positivity rate drops below 10%. We continue to follow all CMS, CDC and VDH guidelines. The direct care staff continue to wear KN95 masks, and all employees continue to practice frequent and thorough hand washing. Employees continue to be screened daily for signs/symptoms prior to their shift.
Thank you for your continued support!